A bunion is a deformity that causes the big toe to push into the other toes. While the actual cause of bunions is under debate, there is a hereditary component and an environmental one. This means that the tendency to develop toe bending issues is already there and by adding the effects of wearing poorly fitted shoes this tendency is exacerbated, and other toe problems often occur.

Bunions tend to develop slowly and may not cause noticeable problems in the beginning, but since they are easier to straighten out at this stage, be sure to see your foot doctor for proper treatment.

Some other toe problems that can be exacerbated by not properly and promptly treating bunions include the following:

  • Ingrown toenails—The side pressure on the toes caused by bunions can cause toenails to grow into the tender skin on the side of your toe.
  • Other toe deformities—Bunions cause overlapping toe problems and can also increase the likelihood of developing painful hammertoes.
  • Painful corns—Corns can develop on the bunion bump. They are also more likely to occur with hammertoes, so get your bunions treated at the first signs of toe bending to avoid these painful complications.
  • Fungal toenail infections—A fungal toenail infection is also more likely to happen when you have ingrown toenails that can allow an infection to spread underneath the toenails.

If you get help treating your bunions early, the less problematic they will eventually become. Dr. Scott Nelson of Foot and Ankle Medical Clinic in Garland, TX (county of Dallas), is a board-certified and highly experienced podiatrist who has helped people suffering from all types of foot and ankle injuries and deformities. From bunions to diabetic foot problems, sports injuries, and fungal nails, you can trust that Dr. Nelson and his staff are wholeheartedly devoted to your foot health. Please contact our office with any questions you may have or to schedule an appointment by calling 972-414-9800.

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