Learning phonics helps beginning readers to properly sound out words quickly and to minimize and prevent stumbling over the words. In school, phonics is taught with a pragmatic, sequential system where kids can master certain sounds and words before moving on to new ones. You can help keep your kids up to speed with phonics during this time of homeschooling with some helpful advice.

Some tips for boosting your children’s grasp of phonics and reading ability include the following:

●     Repetition—Rereading the same favorite books, even from previous years, is an excellent way to boost reading confidence and ability.

●     Read aloud—Have your child read out loud and encourage using different voices for each of the story’s cast members. When difficulty in pronouncing is encountered, give your child time to sound it out before giving the answer.

●     Ask questions to increase reading comprehension and pronunciation—Go over plot details to help your child retain the basic gist of the story which will help maintain attention and increase memory skills. See if your child can associate developments in the story with events in his or her own experience of life. Ask your child to think of alternative endings to the story and gently correct any pronunciation problems along the way.

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