Clubfoot is a very common inherited foot abnormality that affects children. It involves the inward rotation of the ankle, causing the soles to face each other when the condition affects both feet. If treated early with the Ponseti method the feet can be forced into the proper position. If left untreated, major problems with ambulation will occur and surgery will be needed to straighten out the foot and correct the ankle rotation.

The Ponseti method for treating clubfoot consists of the following procedures:

  • Manual manipulation and stretching—Since a child’s bones and ligaments are very flexible a combination of manipulation and stretching exercises can be used to help straighten the foot.

  • Casting—A cast will often be needed to hold the foot in the proper position.

  • Heel cord pressure relief—After the casting period is completed, the foot surgeon will need to relieve the pressure on the heel cord by making a small incision

  • Bracing—To keep the condition from forming again, specially-designed braces may need to be worn for several months or more.

For cases of clubfoot that do not respond properly to the Ponseti method or for cases that weren’t treated early enough, surgery will be needed to properly align the bones, ligaments and other tissues.

If your child is exhibiting signs of clubfoot, see your foot doctor for the proper treatment. Dr. Scott Nelson of Foot and Ankle Medical Clinic in Garland, TX (county of Dallas) is a board-certified and highly experienced podiatrist who has helped people suffering from all types of foot and ankle injuries and deformities. From bunions to diabetic foot problems, sports injuries and fungal nails, you can trust that Dr. Nelson and his staff are wholeheartedly devoted to your foot health. Please contact our office with any questions you may have or schedule an appointment by calling 972-414-9800.

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