Infections like fungal toenails tend to become more prevalent as you age since your immune system will become less efficient. Since you can get a microbial infection like toenail fungus in public areas such as gyms, pool areas, showers, and locker rooms you can help avoid contamination by protecting your feet with shower shoes or sandals. Fungi thrive in warm, moist environments so keep your feet clean and dry and switch your shoes at least every other day to let them dry out.
3 ways to treat toenail fungus include the following:
1) Antifungal medications—A variety of sprays, ointments, and powders containing a fungicide can be used on your feet and inside your shoes to kill the microbes. Oral medications are used to attack the fungus from inside your body.
2) Laser treatment for fungal toenails—A concentrated beam of laser light is used to kill the fungal organisms living underneath the toenail. This is a painless procedure that is performed right here in the office.
3) Debridement and/or removal—A debriding tool is used to shave off some of the toenail so medications can penetrate better. In severe situations, the damaged and infected toenail will need to be completely removed to eradicate the infection. A new, healthy toenail will eventually grow to replace it.
For help with your fungal toenails see your foot doctor for an evaluation. Dr. Scott Nelson of Foot and Ankle Medical Clinic in Garland, TX (county of Dallas) is a board-certified and highly experienced podiatrist who has helped people suffering from all types of foot and ankle injuries and deformities. From bunions to diabetic foot problems, sports injuries and fungal nails, you can trust that Dr. Nelson and his staff are wholeheartedly devoted to your foot health. Please contact our office with any questions you may have or to schedule an appointment by calling 972-414-9800.